Home Page: written down

Day 22

Skipped a few days (I will be creating them later, all the journaling is done). Decided to just pick up where I left off. TFL!


Day 16



PC access at last!

Hi all,
I have been so enjoying your work. I am on the road, in Nova Scotia at my Dad’s. I’m doing my best with a pizza box of paper and supplies, my laptop, but only occasional access to a scanner or the internet. This is one of my pages, I have done two week’s worth, but only scanned one week’s so far. The others are available on my blog (Kel in the link kindly provided by Shimelle to the right, or kelspace.typepad.com).

This was the challenge to dream of a perfect Christmas and to use a drawing. I had imagined the perfect Christmas day in last year’s journal and this year I am kind of blissed up already, so I took a macro view and looked at the elements that make up my Christmas, the details are all about fulfilling these.

Kel x

Day 23-Christmas Stockings

I wrote about Christmas stockings then and now. Now
kids have such pretty stockings to hang. When I was a
kid you hung up one of the stockings you wore for every day.
I had knee socks so mine was longer than my brothers,
so my Mother let him borrow one of Daddy’s socks. On
Christmas morning we would find an apple, an orange,
maybe a banana, some hard candy(usually stuck to the
orange) and some nuts. We were thrilled with the sweet
treats. What fun it is to remember the traditions of our

Donna B.

Day 8 - Twinkle, twinkle

My word, I thought I was never going to get back to my journal this year! So hectic the past few weeks, but I managed to get an entry done today… so it’s day 8 – that’s fine… just another 15 days to catch up on! LOL

I’ve uploaded the bigger pics to my blog.

Tfl and Merry Christmas! :oD


Tanta Cat

So I guess if you didn’t already think I was crazy this just about confirms it

There is a logical story behind this one ….. honest!
Scrapdolly’s Blog

Alissa's Day 18

i’m still trying to catch up! :)


Alissa's Day 17

i loved making these cute snowglobles for my friends this year!


Page 22- To do list

A quick and easy page because I’m busy finishing
the list. I have things under control so tonight
relax and have fun.

Donna B.

Day 15

Used a sheet from the Narratives Journaler’s Notebook for my journaling…just the right size for my journal. And I pieced together the tree by stamping it on several diff. scraps of patterned paper and adhering to my page. TFL!


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